Extension Glossary

…about how agricultural extension systems should be organized and function. Agricultural extension uses a number of different terms to describe specific concepts and approaches, a selection of which are described…

Nutrition Glossary

…An incidence rate is the number of new cases of a disease divided by the number of persons at risk for the disease. If, over the course of one year,…


…Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS) www.g-fras.org/en/gfras/20-asia/apiras-asia-pacific-island-rural-advisory-services.html   Agricultural Extension in South Asia (AESA) Sharing, learning and networking for building effective and efficient extension and advisory services. aesa-gfras.net/usefullinks.aspx   Red…

Gender Glossary

…Agricultural Development. 2009. Gender in agriculture sourcebook. Washington, D.C.: USAID. http://worldbank.org/genderinag © Deborah Rubin and Cristina Manfre, Cultural Practice, LLC and INGENAES Project. 2015. This work is licensed under a…


…Hondureñas en Roles de Liderazgo (Niewoehner-Green) Las Conexiones de la nutrición y el género: Una revisión de resultados (Andrade) La integracion del genero y nutricion usando las Escuelas de Campo…