Gender Toolkits

Gender, Agriculture, & Assets Project (GAAP): A Toolkit on Collecting Gender and Assets Data in Qualitative & Quantitative Program Evaluations
by Behrman, J. et al. IFPRI and ILRI (2014)

  • A foundational toolkit for mixed methods in gender and assets data collection and analysis. The resource can also be navigated by subject under the “Toolkit” tab at their website.

The IFPRI Project Toolkit: Research Guide for Gender-Disaggregated Analysis of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

  • This guide provides tools developed for and used in research on gender, climate change, assets, and collective action. It includes discussion on frequently asked questions, qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques used and useful for research on gender and climate change, and collective action, as well as other resources for practitioners and researchers working in this area of study.

Good Practices Framework: Gender Analysis
by CARE International Gender Network (2012)

  • This toolkit provides an overview of gender analysis, program design, monitoring and evaluation methods, and emergency response. Some tools they detail include power mapping, resource mapping, basic social network analysis, and focus group discussions. CARE is a NGO with a strong focus on gender equality, equity, and empowerment.

FAO: Agri-Gender Statistics Toolkit
FAO Regional Office for Africa. Accra, Ghana

  • This database was developed to improve the use and integration of sex-disaggregated agricultural data collection and analysis. Examples of full questionnaires and tables are provided in English and French on numerous topics, including access to productive resources, markets, labor and time use, food security, and poverty indicators.

Integrating Gender into Forestry Research: A Guide for CIFOR Scientists and Program Administrator
Manfre, C. and Rubin, D. CIFOR. Bogor, Indonesia (2012)

  • This toolkit discusses the relevance of gender to forestry research. It provides an overview of gendered practices and gendered knowledge, as well as the importance of participation in program design, implementation, and analysis. Methodologies and theoretical approaches to gender in forestry research are discussed. Page 75 has a helpful list of gender sensitive indicators.

Gender in Value Chains: Practical Toolkit to Integrate a Gender Perspective in Agricultural Value Chain Development
Senders, A., Lentink, A., Vanderschaeghe, M., and Terrillon, J. Agri-Pro Focus Learning Network (2012)

  • Available as an online resource or PDF, this toolkit provides tools for creating a global gender-sensitive picture of particular value chains, the linkages among actors, and gendered constraints and opportunities for participation. Numerous tools can be accessed like a value chain game, a mini-market study template, and a gendered agricultural calendar.

The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI)
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), and USAID (2012)

  • The WEAI is a tool for measuring gender equality, one of the Millennium Development Goals. It measures women’s empowerment, including their access and ability to make decisions in their households, communities, and economies. Questionnaires and a helpful manual can be downloaded.

A Toolkit on Collecting Gender & Assets Data in Qualitative & Quantitative Program Evaluations.

  • This toolkit was developed as part of the Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project (GAAP) to assist researchers and practitioners who are either new or unfamiliar with using mixed methods for gender and assets data collection and analysis.