
Logo_GFRASGFRAS Working Group: Gender Equity in Rural Advisory Services
A network to create an effective global voice for commitment to increased gender equality and women’s empowerment through increased access to and participation in Rural Advisory Services.


afaasAfrican Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS)
Implementer of the Agricultural Advisory Services aspects of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).


98373da9bcNetwork for Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Agricultural Technologies and Improved Market Linkages in South and Southeast Asia (SATNET).
Innovation network for food security and poverty reduction.


ApirasAsia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS)


wel_imgAgricultural Extension in South Asia (AESA)
Sharing, learning and networking for building effective and efficient extension and advisory services.


logo_relaserRed Latinoamericana de Servicios de Extensión Rural (RELASER)
Latin American Network of Rural Extension Services.


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Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition  The blog of the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, a section of the American Anthropological

Screen Shot 2016-04-29 at 1.27.00 PMLeveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia  produces innovative research to inform agricultural and food value-chain policies, programs and interventions. We aim to generate evidence that can improve nutrition outcomes.